Monday, January 5, 2009


I have come to the conclusion that tenacity and procrastination can occupy the same least inside me. I have been off work for 2 weeks and when the break started I told myself, 'ok - you'll do a bit everyday - meet those goals you have set' (which were very small by the way). Seemed doable - declutter a few things, organize, do some planning, get some paperwork done...Use the quiet in the mornings while the children slept in productive ways.

Paperwork is my least favorite part about my job. Now, I love my job - don't get me wrong - but the amount of paper it produces is often overwhelming. Throughout my break I found other ways to fill my quiet mornings...reading, cuddling with my 4yo, watching cartoons, I started blogging...It is just too easy to find ways to avoid the paper. (The house on the other hand - can never be ignored it screams "Clean Me! Organize Me! etc.")

So, last night what was I doing? Paperwork of course. The last night of my break and I am sitting on the couch with a Hallmark movie playing - surrounded by mounds of paper! Aside from my bottom, the entire couch was filled with paper (& the puppy who plopped down on top of the paper) - in neat and organized stacks of course, but still a disaster....Yes, I am a procrastinator.

I am happy to report that after 2 Hallmark movies, I did get my paperwork under control. Yea for me! I admit, deadlines bring out my tenacious side.


  1. Hallmark movies usually entice me to do something horribly painful to myself too.

  2. Hi, I'm Debbie. I'm over from Weaselmomma's blog. I look forward to blogging with you! Stop by and say hello soon!

  3. i know i've told you this before, but man i wish i lived closer to you! we could get so much work done together! you could motivate me to clean my damn house (which i still haven't started yet today. my back is hurting and i just dont wannnnnna!) i could help you grade papers (i loved playing teacher when i was little) and do lawn work. SIGH just another reason for yall to move up here! not to mention you would be closer to chicago that way too.

    i miss you guys!

  4. This is why my lab book is months behind, again, shhh don't tell my boss!

  5. ~weaselmomma: and you once said I was the "not girly" one! Come on happy endings and heartfelt moments - who can ask for more!

    ~Debbie: Glad to see you, I will be stopping by shortly!

    ~nonnna: LOL - you grade and do laundry & I'll clean! It's a deal!

    ~microbiologist: LOL, I know that feeling!


I promise to read it if you write it!