Sunday, February 8, 2009

Love is in the Air

With Valentine's Day fast approaching, the talk has turned to love. Not love as in "oh honey, you are the greatest and I am glad I married you." Love as it is viewed by preschoolers. Which is really far more interesting anyway.

Two things of note have happened on the amorous front for youngest.

1) Youngest innocently mentioned that she would give the hearts she was coloring to brother's friend next door. He is a nice boy who is not averse to playing role of knight or dragon killer to her princess for a few minutes at a time. Who could blame her for wanting to show her gratitude in the form of a picture? Well, apparently her dad can blame her. Upon hearing her utterance, he looked up from the computer, as a shark who has smelled blood, focused closely on youngest's words and went for the kill. "No valentines to boys, period. School friends and family only." A man who can so effectively tune out the chaos as to be virtually impenetrable while online, heard this tiny utterance, and reacted. Her social life is doomed.

2) Unbenounced to her father, youngest is getting married. We are keeping it hush-hush as we worry for prospective spouse's well-being. I first became aware of the impending wedding when youngest announced, "School is boring. D-- just follows me all day, and won't let me play with anyone else." I did the mom thing, saying he needed a friend, blah blah blah... She responded with, "He just loves me too much. I guess I will marry him one day." Ah, yes...stalking, love, and marriage. Preschool romance at its finest.


  1. You're cracking me up! I had to read this one to the Mr. He and B are totally on the same page here.

  2. ~weaselmomma: That's why our families get along!

  3. too funny! My daughter had a stalker in preschool too!! He was quite obsessive!

  4. ~Kel: I think there is a new one this week - playing boys chase the girls. They are vary funny.

  5. they used to call me super shrimp when i was little. i would chase all the boys and wrestle 'em down trying to get a kiss. lol

  6. I think Niecey was the stalker, only it was a little girl and she has not discussed marrying her BFF but got very upset when a little boy tried to play with her. Kindergarten is so much more dramatic than I remember, lol!

  7. ~microbiologist: lol - you're right they do get possessive of BFF's too!


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